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Version - Hueify.nl
Logo light Logo text

2014-01-10 ; All brand new Hueify.nl!
Hueify v1.0.0.110

i There may still be an "Invalid pointer operation" error when closing the app.
i The DEBUG build's music player loads the new Radio five three eight stream and plays it.

! Fixed group brightness slider not set to "off" when refreshing internal groupstate.
! Fixed lighttrack not clearing groups and bulbs array in 'infinity' mode resulting in all commands sent to "group 0" after the first loop.
! Fixed bridge settings parse error after saving the bridge's configuration.
! Fixed OpenSSL library's not loading on Windows (DLL's are now in the application folder).
! Fixed parsing negative JSON integer values (discovered in sensors API).
! Fixed parsing lights when a light is removed from the bridge (e.g. a faulty bulb).
! Fixed "Track of light" waiting for almost twice the time specified (e.g. 10 minutes waiting became 20 minutes).
! Fixed crash when saving light state to file (XY values where incorrectly parsed by the newer JSON parser).
! Fixed "sat set to 0" being logged when XY light-state being changed.
! Fixed crash when an error was returned from the bridge on incorrect light-state settings.
! Fixed bug saving the wrong current bulbstate to a file for the first light.
! Fixed CPU eating threads.
! Fixed bug when terminating the app while some threads where still busy (terminated signal was not passed to thread(s)).
! Fixed crash changing group values on a bridge where light(s) have been removed from.
! Fixed gap between controls on "lights" tab due to light removal.
! Fixed text wordwrapping on bridge settings page.
! Fixed textual "saturnation" to "saturation".
! Fixed UTC calculation in the create/edit procedure for schedules, now using an Operating System function to do it.

+ Multiple files can be added to Music Player's playlist at once.
+ Added the aqual Playlist feature to Music Player.
+ Added a slider/trackbar to Music Player so you can forward or rewind the audio.
+ Added "enabled/disabled" to schedules.
+ Added "Scenes".
+ Added "Devices/Sensors" (support for HUE TAP).
+ Added "Manual input" to lights and groups.
+ Added TreeItem.Text update for schedules.

* Improved loading speed of groups and schedules (using the JSON object of them instead of sending different HTTP-GETs to the bridge).
* Improved loading speed of lights (and the new API's (sensors, scenes and rules)) by moving a HTTP call outside a for loop.
* Moved "Hueify debug log" to a different tab so other tabs have more room for controls.
* Set default file extensions for save dialogs (save bulbstate and save lighttrack).
* Improved bridge search.
* Reduced "hanging" like effect (on startup, effects and more).
* Moved "Copy settings from to:" dropdown list a few pixels to the right to prevent it from overlapping.
* Controls of the lightsettings are now on a scrollbox, when features are added a scrollbar might be needed and the other controls for groups/schedules) are allready on a scrollbox.
* The "hash" (username/whitelist) edit box which was disabled allready is now hidden, as it will be unsupported by a future HUE API version, when a random username is sent back, old Hueify versions will simpely save the random one to disk and use it, if HUE returns an error, older versions including this release will be dead.
* Changed BPM calculation (music player).
* Changed the way objects where talking to each other (internal bridge, lights etc).
* Changed the width of the bridge settings scrollbox.
* Schedules use "localtime" parameter instead of "time" now. (There's no API version check included yet).

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© 2013 - 2025 Hueify.nl

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