It's been a while but here is the 7th release of HUEify, containing all three builds (Windows x32, Windows x64 and OS X).
It's a pitty there are still a few known issues that must be fixed by the creators of the Development software I'm using, maybe I should switch? hihi anyway here's the link and the release notes.
Very new in this version is the Fireworks effect, actually quite boring without sounds but I like to share it anyway!
The zip archive contains a Word document with some instructions for the Firework.
Release notes:
! = bugfix.
! = added.
* = change(d).
! Bridge hash was written to the wrong section in bridges.ini (actually this doesnt matter as we're using the same hash for win32/64 and another for OSX32).
! Fixed crash when loading the app from a directory which pathlength exceeds the width of the log memo (GoToTextEnd failure).
! Transitiontime not parsed when loading a schedule.
! Fixed error "no argument for ..." when updating a schedule with the ON/OFF switch set to off.
! Fixed schedule HUE not loaded correctly (value from bridge should be divided by 360, it wasn't).
! Fixed schedules not saved correctly (give the schedules some testing, setting transitiontime: 3000 fails on regular bulbs).
! Fixed 2 Loops Of Death in lighttrack system when order is not "gb" or "bg" (stopping the track in this loop, also looped as we didn't check "if terminated" in the control loop .
! Fixed date set to tomorrow in the calendar edit for new schedules.
! Time span between bridge and HUEify wasn't synched for Alarms, it's a little tricky, the hour goes from 0 to 23 (-1) but the day doesn't change!
* Splashscreen now works on OS X.
* Implemented HUE bridge/system updating (it had been written but it wasn't enabled. In older builds you'll see a message "To update click OK" but nothing happened.
* Load newly created schedule from the bridge before the messagebox: 'Schedule created, id: ##', to prevent timers of 1 second to crash the app.
* Removed the "[E] " prefix from the HueSatBri Randomizer treeitem (this prevents a horizontal scrollbar on the treeview).
* Changed the gradient THUETrackbar for light settings to have a better match with the HUE bulbs (adjusted the "green" level)
* Changed the color temperature TTrackBar to a gradient trackbar with the color temperature colors (needs improvement).
* Set the default transitiontime for schedules to 4 (as it is the default value for HUE).
* Switched to another JSON parsers which is supported by the iOS and Android compiler (no builds for these platforms yet, but it's to prepare).
* Removed the "terminated" messagebox from lighttracks as it was for testing only.
* Using IP:PORT in bridges.20 now working properly.
* Reduced time to wait when stopping HSB effects.
* Instead of the whole TreeView being expanded, only items one level in "your bridge name" are expanded.
* Changed some button captions and replaced "bulbs" by "lights".
* Optimized music player (includes an extra BPM / BPS calculation function).
+ Added a status label to the splashscreen which shows what is being loaded.
+ Added progressbar to the splashscreen while the bridge is updating.
+ Added checkboxes to schedules so you can choose what to include in the schedule.
+ Added notification when a schedule isn't created (e.g. when the time is invalid).
+ Lines in lighttrack that start with ; are skipped (not sure if this is iOS compatible).
+ Added some info to the mainform.
+ Added a separate tab for the Music player and enabled it (it's using the BASS audio library).
+ Added "is device on" check to the Worker-thread, if off then turn it on (last settings are lost though).
+ Added "fireworks" to the bridge effects (created this for a Happy NewYear video) actually it's quite boring without sounds.
( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: entries in C:\webserver\www\hueifynl\themes\default\ on line 37 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0007 | 361104 | {main}( ) | ...\index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0064 | 419672 | require_once( 'C:\webserver\www\hueifynl\inc\ ) | ...\index.php:86 |
3 | 0.0165 | 474664 | require_once( 'C:\webserver\www\hueifynl\themes\default\ ) | ...\ |
( ! ) Warning: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in C:\webserver\www\hueifynl\themes\default\ on line 37 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0007 | 361104 | {main}( ) | ...\index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0064 | 419672 | require_once( 'C:\webserver\www\hueifynl\inc\ ) | ...\index.php:86 |
3 | 0.0165 | 474664 | require_once( 'C:\webserver\www\hueifynl\themes\default\ ) | ...\ |